Over Exposure
It would behoove us all to ask some questions before going under the scanner. What are you looking for? What is the radiation dose? How will the results of this scan change the recommended treatment? That last one is uber important. If you are told that the exact same course of treatment will be prescribed regardless of what the scan says, you might consider skipping it. [It won't hurt to ask the dentist the same thing about those Xrays]
Well, all this brings me to the point of today's post which is actually a positive thing! The National Institutes of Health will record the amount of radiation each patient is exposed to in each test they receive. Unfortunately, they are only one institution. It is hoped that others will follow suit and that it may even become a standard of care for all health care providers.
In a USA Today story about this decision, a graph was presented that showed the change in numbers of CT scans between 1980 and 2007. The latter number was 72 million. Incredible because in 1980 the number was 3 million.