Oh, how I do love research. And it just doesn't get any better than this - condom studies. Okay, it is serious in that condoms can protect us from many, but not all, sexually transmitted disease and to some extent, but not all, they can prevent pregnancy. So how a condom feels to the wearer and the partner, and whether or not it is snug or irritating, or breaks - well, that is serious business.

Of course, if it doesn't FIT right, then it won't FEEL right and if it doesn't feel RIGHT then it probably won't feel GOOD. And a lot of people have sex because it gives them pleasure.... if a condom limits pleasure, that doesn't necessarily mean people will stop having sex, more likely they will stop using condoms, and in many cases, that would be health risk. According to a midsized study of over 400 men between ages 18 and 67, we have a problem. Almost 50% of those men reported issues that sometimes led to the removal of the condom. (I read about this on Yahoo News before looking up the study)

The Kinsey Institute does research on sex, gender and reproduction. They have several current studies and one involves condoms. One part has been completed and I refer to this study in the opening paragraph of today's blog. The full article is available if you have a subscription to a journal or university library, the abstract can be read here. I did not access the full article, the only reason=s I would is to see where the researchers advertised their project in order to get men to take the online survey. I understand that they advertised in some newspapers, but they also had a link to the survey in a blog from a condom sales website. Which condom company might that be? Trojan is the one we all know... does it have a blog? Too funny.

And the conclusion the researchers make is equally amusing and yet understandable. They suggest that people like ME<>quality, which will in turn promote greater satisfaction, thus use, thus protection.

Let me just end with - Safe Sex is Good Sex............ :)
