In a previous post or two, physical activity guidelines from both the US DHHS and the ACSM have been discussed. To refresh your memory, all persons would benefit from at least 150 minutes of activity a week, which is 30 minutes five days and that one could also benefit from 75 minutes of more intense activity a week, if preferred. A combination of moderate and vigorous is also encouraged. In the guidelines and in many articles about them, it is suggested that more is better. The minimal will improve your health, but more can help you to reduce your risks for getting certain diseases and still more can improve your athletic conditioning. The activity guidelines are not intended to be used for weight loss purposes however.

I bring this up today because just as the nutrition guidelines are supported with a food guide pyramid, so are the physical activity recommendations. In this case, the University of Missouri Extension has created a pyramid that is available to download for free. This pyramid is pretty easy to follow and I thought that you might enjoy taking a look.

Activity Pyramid

Remember cutting calories can reduce your weight while physical activity and exercise can improve your heart and lung function and prevent some disease.