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Another week has passed, hard to believe. And for sure this time I did jot down a few notes to revisit today. In brief, here they are:

Muffins: This should be the outrage of the week. I have been kicking myself since I bought them, but I had been looking... I cannot remember the company now, but one makes a 1oo calorie pack blueberry muffin and it isn't Hostess, which makes a lot of the 100 calorie cupcakes. I keep thinking it is Bird something.. any way. I have seen these Little Bites products from Entenmann's but they are not low calorie. I then saw that they did have the Little Bites in 100 calorie packs. I tried to see how many muffins were in a package, but the box did not tell. I bought the chocolate chip and was DISMAYED I tell you, this big plastic bag with two muffins in it. Crazy! And I couldn't figure out why my zucchini and pumpkin mini muffins have so many less calories.. Seriously, mine have 15 0r 20 and these had 50. The Hostess cupcakes have just under 35. I looked at the Lite Little Bites label and saw fructose and other sugary words, some fat and just a bunch of crap. Shame on me for buying them. I want to throw them away, but that shames me too. Blah.

Walden Farms: This near calorie free product line that I often reference in my You Tube videos
offers dips, dressings and syrups for under 5 calories a serving size. I have found them at Food Lion stores in the south, in Publix Markets in Florida and now in Super Target! Wow. Oh and at Richard's Whole Foods. The Target is new, and they were a few cents cheaper than the grocery stores I mentioned. Would love to see them at Wal-Mart where I see all kinds of blog worthy behavior if nothing else. (I cannot believe what people feed their families.)

Inhalers: Some people with COPD or Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (AKA smoker's lung, smoker's cough) are prescribed inhalers. COPD is an irreversible condition and includes the debilitating respiratory illness, emphysema. These inhalers can help a person to breath better by relaxing the lungs to some extent. They work best when one does not CONTINUE to smoke. My nearest apartment neighbors are smokers. When leaving for work one day this week, I saw an inhaler in their window sill.

Soy: A report on a recently completed research study came across my desk this week. It indicates that some soy supplementation can improve bone health. I have not vetted the study and I nearly always shy away from supplements. I do use soy flour in my recipes from time to time. My baked goods usually have three flours, well, whole wheat flour and oat bran and then another flour, like millet or quinoa OR soy. After seeing that study, I will use SOY as the third ingredient on a regular basis. My no knead bread and muffins and dessert cake can all be made with soy. BTW, those damn mini muffins, no whole grain flours in them. Dratz, I cannot believe "Your Health Educator" fell for that.

NFL: Well, the NYG are about to play the Sunday Night Football prime time game and so, let me say, the NFL is supporting physical activity in children with this promo , "Play 60." Please check this out. The goal is to get all children active for at least 60 minutes a day.. continuously active...