Seriously, I will be brief.

In a recent blog post I shared my story about addressing the fact that my tap water did not taste okay.

I ended up buying a pitcher that has a water filter in it and several people commented that they had done the same thing and were very happy with their choice.

I want to suggest that you do it too or something similar and refrain from buying actual single serving bottles of water. The main reason is the effect that plastic has on our environment, other reasons include the cost, the fact that it is, at times, just tap or public water that someone else put in a bottle and lastly, because they are heavy and you could hurt yourselves and your backs lifting those cases of water!

I do not feel as strongly about water bottles in vending machines, because I think we should have a healthy alternative to soda, and I am not 100% against the companies that sell bottled water. Many have reduced the amount of plastic in them.

I will say that US sales of bottled water, not counting Walmart, was over 7 billion last year. And that is down several percent.

I bring this all up today because there is a bit of a price war going and the cost of the 24 packs has come down from six bucks to three bucks and the companies are trying to get you to buy, buy, buy... I hope that you won't. The companies have also said that they are just cutting the prices because of the recession and because people are drinking their own tap water. Some of the reduced sales are due to people like you, I hope, who have taken the concern about our environment seriously. According to a WSJ article I read today, the Coca Cola, Pepsi, and Nestle cos, etc all plan to pump those prices right back up as soon as we start making more money again.
