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We have a new employee where I work and she is only now getting to know me. I say this because what she said was so funny being said to ME. Her story was priceless and a wonderful teaching moment, then and now.

And do let me say.. I am NOT making fun of my coworker, nor judging her nor overtly trying to change her. I am subtle but open while at work. I eat the way I eat and when people ask me about my food or lifestyle I share information, ideas, recipes, and products. I LOVE doing that. I recall saying this before but it is worth repeating. People won't eat junk food if it isn't around, and people WILL eat good food if it is.

So not really knowing me that well, Sally (not her real name :)) began her story this way,
"This morning when I stopped at McDonald's..." Before she could finish her sentence, I said, "McDonald's???!!" and she continued, "Yeah, I always get a steak bagel (500+ cals)." To which I think I said, "Oh my." I believed she acquiesced that it wasn't so healthy and then added, "But today I decided to get the combo (with hash browns and coffee) because it is cheaper." I was very animated and dramatic while she talked, telling her she was killing me.. that my arteries were clogging as she spoke.... I was joking and educating at the same time. She did ask me when I last went to McDonald's and it was in the early 2000s when they released the Go Active meal with the water and pedometer. Anyway, the point Sally was trying to make, though I hardly let her finish, was that the coffee spilt in the bag and when she got out of the car the bag broke and her food fell on the ground... see, she was not meant to eat all that fat!

Seriously though, we have real life example of two things I have said recently. One is that it is significantly easier and cheaper to eat too much than to eat the right amount.
And the other, an example of someone who doesn't know which foods are health promoting and which are not. She often brings a microwave meal for lunch and eats all of what is meant to be three servings, but she may not even know that. I believe that her eating and her health will improve because her coworkers are great role models.... I being just one.
