There has been news recently regarding the 2009 swine flu (oops, that is Influenza A H1N1) and how we can best prepare for the second wave of this now declared pandemic. Pandemic meaning that the infection is active world wide and affects a great number of persons.
There is some concern that the flu is going to hit us harder this fall and that makes sense knowing that colder temperatures (inside and out) are more appealing to the virus.
What is concerning to me is that several governments, including that of the USA, are seeking vaccines for this strain of the flu by telling drug makers to rush and I have seen at least a suggestion that the makers will not be held accountable for adverse outcomes. My concern over the push for vaccines is on several levels.
1) the vaccine may not work
2) the cost of making and distributing the drug
3) the availability of the vaccine
4) adverse events associated with it
and 5) haven't we done this before?

We had a scare of flu in 1976 referred to as the Asian or Hong Kong flu. The then president rushed the vaccine and gave the drug makers immunity. The pandemic did not come and some cases of Guillain-Barre Syndrome, ( an auto immune disorder) were blamed on the drug.
I understand that vaccines are important and have eradicated many life threatening diseases. I am grateful that my parents had me vaccinated against many diseases when I was young because as an adult I am scared of the drugs. I do get my tetanus and that is about it. I do not get sick very often. I do my best to keep my body healthy so that it can resist viruses.. however, I am also protected to some degree because other people DO get vaccinated. That is referred to as herd immunity.
I don't know what to say about the new flu and the campaign to fight it.. I only know that we should consider the past.

I feel that the CDC is a credible (and up to date) source for information if you would like to read more: