In recent past posts I have shared that the Cooper Institute training I attended emphasized that to lose weight calories have to be cut. It is what you eat more than anything that leads to weight gain and weight loss. Exercise, I have said, helps you keep it off and provides several other very important health benefits. Exercise is not the best strategy to lose pounds, though it can get to the fat pounds.

Earlier this week I heard this same message about cutting calories on NPR. I cannot remember the name of the health expert but she said that when it comes to losing weight you must consider what you eat, First, Second and Third.

This is not to mean that you have to eat less food, but that you need to eat less calories. It is easier to eat 200 less a day than to burn 200 more a day. If you can do both, that is awesome.

Cook without oil, fat or butter. Add vegetables and lose the red meat (most nights). Add fiber, but take something else away. Lose a soda for instance. Learn the calorie content of the items you eat the most and see which to eat more and which to eat less. Read your labels. For example pasta is very high in calories but bell peppers are not. Add peppers and use half the pasta.

See the You Tube link on the right for more recipe videos. I tried to make you another tonight, but I cut off my head again.... sorry :(

I will tell you what I had for supper instead.

A stir fry with onion, tomato and mushroom... tofu and spinach. I used garlic and onion powder.
On the side, so to speak, I had a small portion of sweet potato baked with cinnamon (I mean a few slices of one), a cup of cauliflower with Mrs. Dash and a half cup of strawberries with Walden Farm's SF/FF dip. My dinner had less then 150 calories.

Now I am going to have some low calorie ice cream.... Until next time.... Eat more food, more often but cut the calories... And you WILL lose weight if you have weight to lose.