Weight or resistance training is a very important component of a fitness program. Many people wonder when to add weight training and what exactly to do when that time comes. I have discussed some weight training in the past as I do believe it is very important. Today I am going to talk a little bit about when to concentrate on weight loss versus weight training.

It is my belief, educated opinion, that when a person has health complications, mild or moderate related to obesity or overweight, then the first goal is to get some weight off. The second goal is to keep the core strong and supple and the third is to increase muscle strength. Pretty much in that order.

A person who is ten pounds from their goal weight and working towards it would do fine with a weight training routine. If a person has 20 or more pounds to lose or an unhealthy weight measure http://yourhealtheducator.blogspot.com/2009_05_01_archive.html the first priority is to get the weight off.

The phrase eat less move more is helpful if you take it personally. It means that to lose weight you need to eat less than YOU are eating today and to move more than YOU moved yesterday. Of course, you can't eat less calories if you do not know what you were eating and what calories are in foods. Websites and registered nutritionists can help. Soon menus may help. The same is true of expenditure. Even the link below this post, Stand Up and Eat, can get you on the right track.

(check this out before beginning a new exercise program http://www.americanheart.org/downloadable/heart/1176844249407Phys%20Activity%20Questionnaire.pdf )

Once you lose your weight, a personal trainer can design a routine just for you. While losing weight, concentrate on exercises that stabilize and strengthen your core. You can find these on line as well.

My You Tube videos can give you some ideas on making meals without adding non nutritious calories. I want to be clear however: the term restriction and moderation are very different. Restriction can cause a rebound effect, is not healthy, and is never recommended by this health educator

Below is a sample video, many more can be found here:
