The Wellness Weekly is getting a makeover, in fact, it will cease to be. Ironically, I began doing a weekly news update because of how fast new research was coming out and how important it was to keep people in the know. That is all still true but blogging has also emerged since I began writing in 2000 and my understanding is, the more you blog, the better your blog will be. So:
I am going to try to blog on current issues more frequently, ideally that would be daily. Instead of keeping my bits of paper for the weekend, I will share research and thoughts as it or they come to me. And you know by now, my opinions are without limit.

My hope is to one day be a self employed health and wellness advocate and when that happens I should be able to greatly improve the blog entries.
Research and teaching are my great passions. I would hope to increase my knowledge constantly and then not only write, but also speak at conferences and consult with communities. This is very important because I am not able to reach a significant portion of the population by Internet and they need this service as much if not more than my web based audience.

My topics for the blogs will include anything that can improve a person's lifestyle in order to avoid disease or to improve disease outcome. I will share research on medication and supplements as well as side effects; on prevention screening; on health promoting foods and how to cook them; on exercise and where and how to start and more. At times I will dedicate a page to a recipe, but will post most of my food videos on You Tube.

I have added a few links this week and changed a few things along the side of the blog.

Next time I will talk about one of the stories I followed this week, but all this change talk has wore me out for now.