Thank You BK: So the economy may do for us what our nutritionists have been unable to do. Normalize our portion sizes! That is right, we can finally address the whole supersize me issue without engaging the wrath of the food and restaurant industry. WHY? Because they need to cut costs and one way to do that is to give us less food. Burger King recently noted that they would be making their hamburger patties smaller. A little less bun might also be a good idea. This is really an interesting turn of events. For years I have been crafting an Obesity Prevention Project. My friends all know this as my OPP. I will need a million dollar grant to implement this school based community program and one of the key constructs of OPP is reciprocal determinism. Let me explain. My plan is to educate children about nutrition, give them new skills (such as label reading) and allow them to put this knowledge and skill to practice, i.e. ordering out. This will produce young adults who demand healthy options and the restaurant and food industry will in turn offer lower calorie and fat meals which more people will then eat. When more people eat them, more places will offer them. Reciprocal Determinism, paradigm shift. The results of my plan may not effect the obesity epidemic for a generation, but the high cost of food has at least made my quest a little more politically correct and timely.

Gardasil: This is the vaccine by Merck which claims to prevent cervical cancer. It doesn’t of course. It may prevent some of the 100 strains of HPV which can lead to cervical cancer. I have been opposed to the mass inoculation recommended by Merck and many medical associations, from the beginning. I especially abhor the ads that recommend it and say that it prevents the cancer. What prevents the cancer is gynecological exams and pap smears. If abnormal cells are detected they can be removed. Cervical Cancer cases are on the decline in the US because of preventative care. News out this week, in several sources, brings to light other concerns about the vaccine and the way that Merck has pursued both doctors and legislators to get this vaccine mandated. It is too new, in my opinion to be given so freely to all of these young girls. And as I indicated in another blog, the makers of Gardasil, Merck, are now targeting not just men, but boys as well. More information on the effects, benefits and risks, are needed on this medication.

Athletes: I just wanted to note, laud and applaud the many athletes in this year’s summer Olympics who are over age 30. Many near forty are themselves medal winners. This includes a gymnast, runner and swimmer. A diver who did not win a medal was also an older athlete. Older only in terms of what was once expected. People can and DO live better longer, but not by accident. Times have indeed changed and many of us non athletes are finding our fitness groves in our 40s and even 50s. It is certainly true here in Florida. To stay active one must be active and many people live that belief here. I myself like to say that I do all the things I do- eat well, run, swim, bike a bit and weight train so that when I have one foot in the grave, I’ll still be standing.

Okay, not much this week, sometimes life happens and I don’t get to read as much!
Wishing you wellness and longevity